
At Cedar Valley Corp., LLC safety is not only good business. Nor is it just a buzz word. We feel a moral obligation to provide every employee a safe work environment, free from recognizable hazards.

We have been rewarded for our commitment to this obligation by achieving lower-than-industry OSHA reportable statistics. While our goal is zero recordable injuries, our daily focus remains on the identification of near misses. By identifying and eliminating those hazards before they cause injury our goal of zero becomes more attainable.

Our company employs a full-time Safety Director. While job safety is a shared responsibility at all levels of the organization, the Safety Director provides training, conducts on-site audits, and provides a formalized system of reporting safety and loss control statistics to company management.

Substance Abuse & Testing Policy

As a means to ensure the continued safety of all our associates, drug testing will be conducted for all positions applied for at Cedar Valley Corp., LLC

The company's substance abuse policy seeks to balance respect for individual privacy with the need to keep a safe, productive drug free operation. Our policies follow federal regulations for those individuals applying for DOT regulated positions, while state law governs those non-DOT regulated positions. Inquiries regarding specific testing questions should be made to

Commitment to Safety

For prospective employees, it is important to know that Cedar Valley Corp., LLC's incident ratings and insurance modification (MOD) ratings have remained lower than industry averages over the past decade, reinforcing our commitment to workplace safety.

Safety Awards

In 2007, the Associated General Contractors of Iowa (AGC of Iowa) created the Recognition of Safety Excellence Awards (ROSE), awarded to contractors who demonstrate a cultural commitment to safety within specific divisions. Cedar Valley Corp., LLC has been recognized as a company that leads its peers in its level of safety achievement, winning in its division each year since the program's inception.

Winners have innovative safety programs and have achieved zero work site fatalities and multi-catastrophic injuries. Top safety programs also have active employee participation, safety training, and work site hazard identification and control. As noted in the AGC of Iowa press release, "the very essence of these awards is an illustration of our business' dedication to safety, and the companies we honor exemplify the very safest contractors in the construction industry and those who have successfully integrated safety into their businesses."

For more information please contact:

Safety Director